With an ever evolving range of helmets, body armor, braces, guards, hydration systems, apparel – whatever it takes to keep the committed Thrill seeker safer. Yours is a confidence game. And we’re in the business of making sure that you have the confidence and the equipment to push yourself faster, harder and further than you thought you could go.


At Leatt we love pushing the limit, testing ourselves and our capabilities. Our partnership with the Marksmen Aerobatic Team fits Leatt’s mantra perfectly, The Science of Thrill. Using knowledge and technology to push the human body and soul to a place of pure exhilaration. Leatt is a brand partner which shares a common theme of thrill-seeking and a deep connection to the science behind the sport.

Johnie Smith was an obvious choice for the Right Wing position. He’s a rock solid character and an exceptionally talented pilot, both attributes being essential qualities for the spot. He’s a highly respected senior member of the Sport Aerobatic Club of South Africa and has represented South Africa many times at World Aerobatic Championships both as pilot and judge. He’s also a hugely experienced agricultural pilot and owns a very successful crop spraying business in the Lowveld.

Johnie did all his formation training with the Marksmen under the guidance of Sammy, Mark and Eugene. Ground school began in February 2022. After 2 days of ground school, 60 briefings, 60 training sorties and 60 debriefs, Johnie received his display authorisation and final assimilation into the team in August of 2022.

Gary Glasson is a pillar of the Sport Aerobatic Club of South Africa. He’s an ex-chairman of the club and notably one of the very few pilots in the world capable of flying a Pitts Special in the Unlimited Class to a very high standard. His skill as a pilot, and the consistent high standard he sets for himself combined his humble good humour made him an obvious choice for the team. We had to drag him kicking and screaming through the initial stages of his formation training as he refused to believe that he possessed the talent for the task. I’m happy to say that once he finally realised that he was totally wrong in this regard, his learning curve became uncommonly steep!

Gary received most of his airborne instruction from his best mate Eugene Du Preez, with Mark flying lead for them. Ground school began in February 2022 and after 2 days of ground school, 60 briefings, 60 training sorties and 60 debriefs, Gary received his display authorisation and his final assimilation into the team in August of 2022.